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  • User accessing the website agrees to the terms of the contract.
  • provides an integrated platform for the Traveller and students to find each other on the internet.
  • Website plays an important role in keeping the information of both travelers confidential however it is not liable for unauthorized access of data by the registered members.
  • Travelers willing to register on the website should be an adult and have the necessary qualification for the subjects he/ she is aspiring to teach.
  • The travelers will not hold the website responsible for liabilities and expenditures caused by its usage directly or indirectly.
  • It is the sole responsibility of the travelers to charge the same fees as mentioned on the website. He/ she will be responsible for the collection of the same from the students/ parents.
  • Travelers are not allowed to disclose personal contact information in the fields mentioning experience and qualifications.
  • While entering the feedback about the students, the travelers are advised to keep the traveler's language as civil as possible.
  • The website will not be held in any way responsible for the false information posted by the travelers related to experience and qualification. Any repercussion due to such activities will have to be borne by the concerned individual.
  • The company is not in any way responsible for the payment of compensation to the travelers in case the parent/ student cancels the contract.
  • The website doesn’t deploy the travelers as employees; therefore the travelers have to pay their own taxes with the income accrued from the tuition contract.
  • By becoming a member of the website, you agree that the traveler's data can be used for statistical analysis by the company.